Indigenous Resources, Knowledge & Solidarity
Access to information is key to everyone's journey of acceptance, healing and growth. As with many communities, it is important that we all find supports and services that align with our values and cultures, and this is particularly important for Indigenous communities.
There are a number of Indigenous led services and programming available through Turtle Island including urgent support services, family and youth programs to social programs that bring Indigenous folks together. In typical QE fashion, we’ve collected some resources below to get you started.
Indigenous Resources & Supports
Crisis Supports
IRSSS Emergency Crisis Line
24hr Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419
The Indian Residential School Survivors Society Emergency Crisis Line is currently available 24/7 for those in need of support from the recent announcement.
The Hope for Wellness Help Line
24hr Crisis Line 1-855-242-3310
24/7 Crisis line for culturally competent crisis intervention counselling support for First Nations and Inuit, counselling is available in English, French and, upon request, in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktut.
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
Request support via email
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations has counselling and Elder supports available upon request, please email to request support.
Kid's Youth Line
24hr Crisis Line 1-800-668-6868 or text 686868
The Kids Help Phone is available 24/7 with trained crisis responders and counsellors who are available by text and phone. You can request to speak to an Indigenous crisis responder.
Community Resources
We Matter
We Matter is dedicated to Indigenous youth with programs and supports through numerous community organizations.
SOAHAC provides a wide range of wellness services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis people in Southwestern Ontario, including traditional healing, mental health and addictions services, and clinical services
Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition
Connect with services and programs available to Indigenous folks in the area.
National Association of Friendship Centres
Access list of all friendship centres from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Find a Friendship Centre in your area.
Atlohsa Family Healing Services
Indigenous-led Programming & Services
Atlohsa is focused on providing holistic healing, education, shelter and support.
Expand Your Knowledge: Indigenous Language
Anishinaabemowin Lessons from is dedicated to preserving and teaching Anishinaabemowin, their website offers among other resources Anishinaabemowin lessons, from beginners to advanced lessons there is something here for all of us to learn.
Anishinaabemowin Niwasa Language App
Created by Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg, an Indigenous organization created an Anishinaabemowin Language App which teaches Anishinaabemowin, the app also features a cultural database. Links to app - App Store & Google Play.
Cree Literacy Network - Stay home: Learn Cree
The Cree Literacy Network has started a blog series Stay home: Learn Cree where they release daily language-learning video from their existing teaching library.
FirstVoices is a set of digital tools to support Indigenous people engaged in language archiving, language teaching and culture revitalization. Checkout to learn more and access this resource.
Non Indigenous Learning & Solidarity Resources
Do Your Own Learning
While reaching out and connecting with individuals is a great way to grow as an ally, it should never be the first step. We all live in a time where information has never been so accessible. A good place to start is to ask yourself: Am I capable of finding out on my own? Google is a powerful tool, while not everything on the internet can be trusted, there are many reputable resources available. Taking the time to do our own research and learning is how we grow as individuals and we start to develop and better our understanding. is an online resource featuring an interactive map allowing all of us to easily look up a region to find out about the traditional territories we find ourselves occupying.
So next time you need to know whose land you are visiting or occupying, look it up first.
Atrocities Against Indigenous Canadians for Dummies
Here you'll find a collection online resources and amazing zines, widen your perspective and knowledge while supporting Indigenous works.
Jordan's Principle
Learn more about Jordan's Principle, a child-first principle to ensure First Nations children get the services they need when they need them. Educate yourself on the history of non-compliance by the government and support advocacy and legal challenges by Indigenous Organizations as they fight to have all children access the care they need.
Solidarity Actions
So, first thing's first!
- Support Indigenous-led initiatives and communities.
- Respect the autonomy of Indigenous communities.
Denounce and speak out against the violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2S/QI people. Support the MMIW calls to action and the work of the Native Women's Association of Canada (
“The hard truth is that we live in a country whose laws and institutions perpetuate violations of fundamental rights, amounting to a genocide against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA [two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual] people.” - Chief Commissioner Marion Buller, National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Final Report : Reclaiming Power and Place (2019)
Land Back
Speak out and Support Land Back Initiatives across the country.
- Educate yourself on what it really means and on the treaty agreements.
- Support Indigenous Land Defenders across the country (educates, inform others, donate to expenses and legal defenses etc.)
- Petition your government and call your elected representatives and ask for Canada to honour the treaties.
- Demand the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples at the table to make decisions alongside the (mostly) non-Indigenous governments that make decisions over our lands, waters, and resources.
- Advocate for defunding the OPP and municipal police in urban centres.
- Work toward municipal goals that centre the needs of Indigenous communities, including affordable living, access to mental health resources, harm reduction, and livable wages. Everyone is better situated to work toward Land Back when their basic needs are being met.
Contact government officials in your area
While putting pressure on our elected officials to take meaningful action cannot be the only action we take to show our allyship, it is important to continue to call for an end to systemic racism and the annoying persecution of Indigenous peoples across the country.
- End the Water Advisories once and for all! It is unconscionable that in 2021 Indigenous communities do not have access to clean water.
- Immediately implement Jordan's Principle in the full and proper scope of Jordan's legacy & drop the judicial appeal to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal's ruling.
- To accept the TRC 94 Calls to Action, In light of the tragic discovery, calling to expedite Actions 71-76 which call for the federal government to invest the necessary resources in order to complete and document a nationwide search for the unmarked graves of the estimated 4000+ children who were lost in residential schools systems, bringing closure to families.

A space for Anishinaabe peoples of Southwestern Ontario
Support the Anishinaabe Round House
Together let's contribute & take a step toward reconciliation becoming a reality.
Food for Queers
Stay Safe. Not Hungry
Providing support for 2SLGBTQ+ folks experiencing food insecurities within the city of London